Browsing News Entries

Praying to the God Who Overcomes the Gap

Dr. Tod Worner

People praying in front of an altar

May prayer help us trust, hope, and love the God who overcomes the gap and the many souls he is entrusting to our passionate evangelization.

Taking the Time This Summer to Pray

Bishop Robert Barron

Hands Folded in Prayer

As secularism has gripped so many, summer provides a greater opportunity to pray, rest in the Lord, consider the higher and deeper things. 

Understanding and Avoiding Usury

Michael Humpherys

The Good News Conference

We can reduce the evil of usury and witness to the dignity of borrowers. Economic exchange does not have to be a matter of profit.

Wisdom and Warnings from “The Giver” Ten Years On

Kody W. Cooper

Scene of Jonas speaking with the Giver

This dystopian novel holds up a funhouse mirror to our own society. We all ought to reflect upon it and remember what we are at risk of forgetting altogether.

A New Golden Age of Conversion

Ryan Quinn

C.S. Lewis and T.S. Eliot

This modern movement is reminiscent of the conversions of C.S. Lewis and T.S. Eliot—rooted in logic and responding to distrust of human institutions.

Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 3

Mark Bradford

St. Cecilia playing organ

It is clear that the liturgy as we have it was not the Council Fathers' vision. A cursory reading of Sacrosantum Concilium makes that obvious.

Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 2

Mark Bradford

Alter servers

We look at council documents and the guiding principle of “organic development.” When innovations led music astray, right order was asserted.

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Excommunicated

Dr. Richard DeClue

Moody sky above Vatican City

That Viganò is guilty of schism and has been excommunicated is lamentable. Let us pray for the medicinal aims of the censure to be effective.

Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 1

Mark Bradford

Cathedral ceiling

The way we worship is critical to the life and health of the Church, and music is usually at the forefront of comments and complaints about Mass.

Heidi Schlumpf’s Great Disservice to Aquinas’ Charism and Theology

Larry Chapp

LGBTQ rainbow ripple in water

The only misuse of Aquinas is the attempt to co-opt his theology in order to bless the sexual revolution, particularly the LGBTQ movement.